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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

4 Tips for Overcoming Jet Lag, Part 1

I recently flew from Las Vegas, USA over to Sydney, Australia for our 2013 NLP Master Practitioner Training. Even though I have taken hundreds of international trips before, this was the first time I would fly halfway around the world and also to the southern hemisphere. I knew this would be the ideal trip to put a few basic Hypnosis, Creating Your Future® and Time Line Therapy® techniques to the test to help me overcome jet lag. Have you ever travelled a long distance by plane and arrived at your final destination feeling tired? What if you could arrive at your final destination instead feeling refreshed and energized? Imagine if you could actually enjoy that first day of your vacation or capitalize on the first day of your business trip, rather than spending a few days recovering from jet lag. Would that be of interest to you?

Before discussing 4 Tips for Overcoming Jet Lag, let’s quickly review what “jet lag” is. Jet lag could be described as a disturbance in one’s internal clock experienced after long airplane trips. For many people, jet lag often leads to fatigue and reduced energy. In extreme cases, it can even disrupt digestion, equilibrium, judgment or even mood. Obviously not how anyone wants to start a vacation or an important business trip, right? Every experienced frequent flyer knows many great tricks and tips to reduce jet lag. I hear about them all of the time in airport lounges and while waiting at the departure gate. Most of those tips do work for many people, and still rarely do I hear about others using Hypnosis, Creating Your Future® and Time Line Therapy® techniques to overcome jet lag. And now to discuss 4 Tips for Overcoming Jet Lag, which are innovative uses of a few of the basic techniques we teach at our FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Certification Training.

1) Creating Your Future®: At some point before your flight, use the Creating Your Future® process to put a single goal in your future to arrive at your destination feeling refreshed, energized, alert and healthy, or how ever you want or need to feel. If you want to be relaxed for your vacation, you should specify this when putting the goal in your future time line. If you need focus and confidence for your business meeting, specify this in your goal as well. If you want to clear through customs with ease, why not specify this in the goal your putting into your future? Remember, we get more of what we focus on right? Well, if we focus on jet lag and not functioning well when we arrive at our destination, we may get exactly what we’re focused on. NLP teaches us to “Focus on What We Want” and the Creating Your Future® process allows you to program and create your future to be exactly how you want it to be. So why not test it and put a goal in your future time line before your next long trip. The opportunities are limitless with this technique in creating for yourself an uneventful and easy travel experience before, during and after your trip.

2) Self-Hypnosis: Often times when we travel long distances by airplane, we travel across many time zones and often times deviate from our usual sleep patterns. Disrupting sleep schedules is one of the common reasons for jet lag. Have you tried or do you know someone who tried “other methods” to getting to sleep (i.e. sleeping pills or alcohol)? I get feedback and hear stories from most people that the side effects of these methods are often times worse than the benefit of the sleep they got on the airplane. What if you could use natural means to sleep exactly when you want or need to on your flight, with no side effects except for feeling how you want to when you arrive? It’s quite easy. First, you plan ahead and start getting acclimated to the future time zone you are traveling to by making adjustments to your sleeping/waking time a few days before your trip (adding and subtracting an hour or two per day if necessary). Then, you sleep during your flight during the regular “sleep time” of your final destination. Sound too easy and good to be true? Well…it can be that easy with the help of self-hypnosis! We teach some very easy self-hypnosis techniques at our trainings that will help any traveler arrive at their destination feeling exactly how they want. If you haven’t attended our trainings, basic progressive relaxation self-hypnosis techniques are good to induce relaxation and assist in creating new sleep patterns before, during and after your flight. If you have attended our trainings, use any of the inductions you learned with yourself to induce trance and relaxation, and then go to sleep. You ought to also put in a post-hypnotic suggestion to wake up within 6, 8, 10 hours (or however long would be optimal for you in resetting your new sleep schedule). Finally, right before sleep while in your relaxed and sleepy state, tell your unconscious mind exactly how you want to feel when you wake up. Be specific. Enjoy! Stay tuned for more tips for overcoming jet lag,

Continued in Part 2…


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